Math Tutoring
Multisensory Math Strategies.

Math Tutoring like Never Before
At Jamie The Tutor, we are experts at improving math skills using a variety of multisensory techniques. We want your child to experience a fun way to learn math. That is why we teach math instruction in an unconventional way that is beneficial for every type of child. Say goodbye to those traditional methods that have not been working. At Jamie The Tutor, your child will be exposed to new ways that are both encouraging and exciting.
How We Do Math Differently
First, we start by doing a standardized math assessment so we can pinpoint the gaps in your child's foundational math skills. Next, we customize an educational plan unique to your child's needs. Then, we match you with the perfect tutor who has the background knowledge and skills to effectively teach your child. Last, you watch as your child builds the confidence and skills you knew they always had. Our methods for teaching mathematics are all multisensory in nature. We are here to support any child struggling in this area.
Remedial Services
We specialize in remediating children that have difficulties in mathematics. If your child is a special education student or has an IEP, or is behind in math and not grasping all of the foundational math skills, we can help your child achieve greater success and confidence. If your child is struggling with dyscalculia or any other related learning disability, we have trained tutors who are here to help make this process easier for you.
Our Tutors are Specially Trained to Help with Math
Our methods of teaching involve exposure to different arrays to ensure complete understanding of material in a way that makes sense. We use our multisensory techniques to identify your child’s dominant learning modality and teach them math using methods that target this modality. Our methods work so well that we guarantee your child will make meaningful educational progress. We use programs like TouchMath that are proven to aid children who are on the Autism Spectrum, or struggling with a learning disability like Dyscalculia, and more.
Does your child know their math facts but struggles with word problems and computation? Is your child struggling to remember concepts, math facts and formulas? Is your child struggling to remember the rules and steps to effectively solve math problems? Math does not have to be taught only using abstract techniques.
Using a multi-sensory based approach while teaching mathematics sets students up for independence when completing math tasks. Our students no longer struggle to grasp an understanding of what they are being taught. Our teaching style gives every child the opportunity to learn and understand concepts in a way that makes sense to them. Our multisensory math methods have been so successful in motivating and encouraging students. Confidence replaces that frustration your child has from past ineffective learning experiences.

Our Methods Lead to Educational Success
Our success stories are proof that our style of teaching math works. Our students have gone from disliking math to having a love for the subject. Our students look forward to their tutoring lessons because they are fun and engaging.
We Have Trained Experts At Jamie The Tutor
Our math specialists have increased performance for students at all levels. Your child should not have to struggle while learning. We provide our students with the appropriate and effective methods needed for a positive and pleasant learning experience in all areas of their education. At Jamie The Tutor, our philosophy is that every child deserves to be taught in a way they can learn. We have the trained skills and tools to make this happen. Contact us now! Our math experts are ready to change your child’s life.